Wednesday, November 9, 2016

add a custom property of order item to the CSC order search panel

add a custom property of order item to the CSC order search panel...

Following are the changes we have done...

1 – Added TAN column to dcsppx_order table

2 – CommerceModule/config/atg/commerce/order/orderrepository.xml
Modified to add TAN a persistent String property

3 –  CommerceModule/config/atg/commerce/search/order-output-config.xml
added following line
<property name="tan" type="string" store-as-meta-index="true" output-name="tan"/>

4 –  CSCModule/src/com/uscc/commerce/csr/search/
Extended OrderSearchTreeQueryFormHandler to add TAN property and its getter setter.

5 –  CSCModule/config/atg/commerce/custsvc/order/
Modified to include TAN property

6 –  CSCModule/j2ee-apps/CSCModule/CSCModule.war/include/order/orderSearchUIFragment.jsp
Modified to add a new textbox for TAN

7 –  CSCModule/j2ee-apps/CSCModule/CSCModule.war/panels/order/search.jsp
Added JS changes to set name, operator, value fields